19 Ways I Would Do Business Differently

I was listening to an interview with Scott Galloway where he spoke about in his 40s and 50s, to build real wealth he approach his new business venture in a completely different way. This resonated hugely because I am at the beginning of that journey and have taken a similar approach to my Business 2.0 era.
I never thought I would start companies. I always thought I would be a creative director or a publisher and I guess a big part of how I would start companies back then was from a youthful naïveté and community and creative lens rather than - will this make me money lens. I saw gaps in the market and craved products I wanted to see and use, and I made them a reality.
But second time around I’m building differently.
What I want from my next venture is to create generational wealth. That’s all.
What’s interesting is that in my 40s I’m not really doing anything new. It’s almost like I’m doing everything I did before in my 20s but just bigger and better.
Here’s my Guide on doing business differently so that you make money without burning out…