New Method 3 | You Are A Work In Progress

This is your weekly affirmation to help you build your personal philosophy. Have a great weekend!
Take a deep breathe in...and say it with me...
We give ourselves permission to be ever-evolving. As humans, we are living, breathing organisms that are constantly in motion, and the work has to start somewhere. The process is just as important as the outcome, and there is no such thing as the perfect partner, mother, or woman. The perfection presented to us in the media is simply a bricolage of the male gaze. We accept that striving for this perfection is an impossible task, and one that will only serve to waste time and energy, as well as sacrifice our mental health. We embrace all the freedom and power that comes from accepting ourselves as a work in progress. We are not broken or flawed – we are simply human. Changing our minds, evolving our personalities, making mistakes, and learning new things about ourselves are all part of the journey to get to know who we are and what we like. This self-acceptance will no doubt attract critics. Society is afraid of the self-accepting woman because this woman is difficult to control. We know that everyone has critics, and there will always be people who like to have an opinion despite not knowing anything about our individual journey. We practice loving disengagement. We can hear and acknowledge what people say but work so it has little effect on us. Our journey is ours alone.
- Take a trip down memory lane to all your teenage phases. Honour that girls journey of learning about herself.
- Write down all the ways you’ve changed your mind over the last 10 years.
- Write a personal affirmation for yourself about your evolving journey.
Read the full essay and 48 other lessons for how to take control of your lifein my book New Methods For Women. Already got your copy? Gift it to the woman in your life who you want to see win.

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